Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Newbs Rhymes with Boobs

So, I went into the lobby of my dorm and saw some kids playing 2K13. I was like, "Hell yeah! No more Madden."

....Until I saw they were playing with the Heat and Lakers. I sat and watched to see if they were any good. I usually associate anybody that plays with the Heat or Lakers as casual players: people that don't put in a solid 1-2 hours of 2K a day like myself and my friends.

These kids played 5 or so games, and only used combinations of the Thunder, Heat, and Lakers.

They only used 3 teams. I couldn't help but think I should go out there next time and do some damage with the Bobcats or Magic and show them what's up.

I also saw one of them wearing a Nuggets snapback...again, I was like "Hell yeah!" I asked him if he liked the Nuggets and he said "No, I just liked the hat."


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